The Corner Specialist badge in NBA 2K23 is essential for any player looking to excel in three-point shooting. To unlock this badge, players must have a 60 3pt rating to unlock the Bronze level badge, 69 for Silver, 79 for Gold, and 89 for Hall of Fame.

Once earned, the badge provides a significant boost to a player’s shooting ability when shooting from the corners. It’s most effective when combined with other shooting badges like Catch and Shoot.

To make the most of the Corner Specialist badge, players must have good shooting form, timing, and take good shots within their player’s range. The badge is also valuable in clutch moments, allowing players to hit crucial shots from beyond the arc.

To earn the badge quickly, players should focus on taking shots from the corner three-point line during games. The Bronze level can be earned relatively quickly, but players will need to invest more time to earn the higher levels.

In conclusion, the Corner Specialist badge is a must-have for any player looking to excel in three-point shooting in NBA 2K23. By meeting the badge requirements and using it effectively, players can take their game to the next level and dominate from beyond the arc.