Glass Cleaner Takeover gives rebounders the ability to read missed shots, win more box out battles, secure more boards, and finishing putbacks more consistently.
On Current Gen, Glass Cleaners get a +10 boost to Close Shot, Strength, Vertical, all Rebounding attributes, plus a +5 boost to all other attributes. You also get a visual on missed shots and a set of box out and putback animations.
On Next-Gen, Glass Cleaner takeover is broken into the following categories:
- Boxout Wall: Improves ability to seal off opponents for easy boards.
- See the Future: Shows where missed shots are going to end up.
- Glass Clearing Dimes: After rebounds, kick out passes boost your teammate’s shooting.
Recommendation: True Glass Cleaners would most benefit from this, though we recommend Rim Protector Takeover for most center builds. However, the rebound indicator is nice when Takeover is activated.