NBA 2K20 introduced a new use of the Gatorade Practice Facility; instead of providing a place for refueling stamina, this year the gym serves as a place to boost several of your physical attributes.
This boost only requires a set of five exercises that can boost your physical attributes up to +4, and the workouts only need to be done once every seven real days.
Here’s the complete guide to the NBA 2K20 Weekly Workouts:
How to Increase Your Player’s Acceleration
There are two exercises that can increase your player’s acceleration for a week: the Agility Ladder or the Agility Hurdles.
Both are about as equally difficult (but neither are actually hard), so we don’t recommend either exercise over the other one.
How to Increase Your Player’s Speed
There are two exercises to increase your player’s speed: Sprints and the Treadmill. The Treadmill is certainly easier than the Sprints, so we recommend getting your speed boost from the Treadmill.
How to Increase Your Player’s Stamina
There are two exercises to increase your player’s stamina: the Medicine Balls and the Battle Ropes. Both are equally difficult, but again not hard, so you can pick either one to get your stamina boost.
How to Increase Your Player’s Strength
There are three exercises to increase your player’s strength for the week: Bench Press, Squats, or the Dumbbells.
This is by far the hardest attribute set to perfect, so we recommend picking one of the drills and sticking to it for the rest of the year.
How to Increase Your Player’s Vertical
There are three drills to increase your player’s vertical: Box Jumps, Clean Press, and the Leg Press. We have no favoritism towards one, so pick one and perfect it for the rest of the year.
Other Notes about the Weekly Workouts
- You must do all five exercises to get a boost to any of the five physical attributes.
- If you get at least a +3 on every drill, you’ll get the Weekly Gatorade Turbo Boost added to your stamina bar.
- You cannot perform any exercises in between workout sessions.
July 12, 2020 — 7:31 am
I’ve completed my weekly workout, and it’s been over 2 1/2 weeks and every time I try to do my weekly workout it tells me they’re completed for the week. How do I go about enabling my player to exercise again??
July 12, 2020 — 8:04 am
Have you played a full season of MyCareer? If so, then you probably don’t need to do the workouts.
Douglas Mebane
July 22, 2020 — 11:03 am
It hasn’t let me since season one and I’m in season 3
July 22, 2020 — 6:47 pm
You probably unlocked the Gym Rat badge from your first two seasons, which would give you the athleticism boosts without working out. Therefore, you won’t be able to work out at the gym.