Jump to: Guards | Swings | Big Men
Shooting looks like it is going to be dominant in NBA 2K23, and your performance will again be highly dependent on badges. As you begin playing 2K23, you’re going to want to equip the following shooting badges.
Guards are mostly going to be focused on shooting off-the-dribble with a bit of spot-up work. Here the best shooting badges for guards:
Tier 3
- Limitless Range: Shooting from deep is still one of the most valuable skills in NBA 2K23, and this badge is going to help you launch from deep.
- Deadeye: With badges like Challenger, contests on shots are stronger than ever. This increases the importance of Deadeye, which diminishes contests from the front.
- Blinders: Another badge that diminishes contests, this time from the side. Not necessary in many situations, but helpful if you have the badge points.
Tier 2
- Amped: With dribbling revamped this year, fatigue plays a bigger role in shooting. Amped is going to help you shoot when tired, and most dribbling builds are going to need it.
- Catch and Shoot: Off-ball shooters are going to need this badge, and it’s pretty cheap compared to its effectiveness. Other players could benefit from it on lower levels.
Tier 1
- Guard Up: Although the defense’s focus is going to be on making sure you don’t get open shots, this badge is going to help you make more shots when the defense doesn’t put a hand up.
- Comeback Kid: You never plan on being down in the score, but it happens. This badge is actually awesome and can really turn the tide of a game when equipped.
Swing players are mostly focused on off-ball shooting, and these tier-based selections reflect that style of play:
Tier 3
- Limitless Range: Shooting from deep is also important for swing players, and this badge is the best chance you have to shoot from deep.
- Catch and Shoot: Off-ball shooters are going to need to have this badge, and most swing players fit this category. A highly effective badge that will help you hit more shots.
- Deadeye: Negating contests is a big part of shooting off-ball, too. Deadeye helps the best when someone is guarding you 1-on-1.
Tier 2
- Guard Up: Whether your defender sags off you or just doesn’t contest your shots, this badge is going to make defenses pay for not guarding you.
- Corner Specialist: You’ll probably find yourself in the corner at some point, and this badge is your best chance at increasing your chances to make those shots.
Tier 1
- Claymore: If you’re mainly a spot-up shooter, this badge is going to be both a cheap and extremely effective way to make more shots. The more you stand still, the higher chance you have of making a shot.
- Comeback Kid: This badge again. It’s cheap, but works really well at helping your team come back in games.
Big Men
Big Men are almost exclusively spot-up shooters or pick-and-pop shooters, and the following badges are going to help you maximize your chances in both situations:
Tier 3
- Catch and Shoot: Shooting off the catch becomes so much easier with this badge, and it’s almost necessary for any big man with shooting ability.
- Corner Specialist: You’ll most likely mostly be in the corner, and this badge is going to help you make more of those shots.
Tier 2
- Claymore: Since you’ll be spotting up most of the time, this badge is going to help you make more spot-up shots. The longer you sit in one position, the more of a bonus you get.
- Guard Up: It’s common for defenders to sag off centers, but this badge will make them pay for their actions.
Tier 1
- Comeback Kid: Centers typically have lower shooting ratings, but this badge is going to help you boost those ratings when you need it most. When you’re losing, this badge comes to the rescue.
- Clutch Shooter: Another badge that gives a boost to your ratings, this time late in games. Teams might focus on your teammates in big situations, so this badge helps make the other team pay.
How to Use Your Badge Points
If you would like tips or tricks on your badge points, please send an email to nba2khq@gmail.com and we will help you pick the best badges for your player(s).
Nijon Cole
September 15, 2020 — 2:20 pm
I have 14 total shooting badges on 2k21 how should I apply them for me to shoot lights out, cause I’m having a lil but trouble shooting the ball this, but last year I didn’t miss much.
September 19, 2020 — 3:14 pm
Gold Range Extender, Gold hot zone, silver corner specialist, silver catch and shoot, silver deadeye, silver green machine or difficult shots. (I have 14 as well that’s my layout)
September 23, 2020 — 10:17 am
Hey bro love your badge layout. I have 20 shooting badges and have basically same ones but I love the way you split them out to help be all around. What would your advice be with 20. Would really appreciate your opinion
September 20, 2020 — 10:49 pm
I only have 12 shooting badges what should I put on I was thinking gold range gold catch shoot gold gold hot zone and gold corner but idk
November 16, 2020 — 9:51 am
yea but you only need corner unless your a corner sitting build so if you like the spot up shoot try dead eye or if your a 50 player from three or mid range flexible release no brainer
September 20, 2020 — 11:25 pm
Is range extender better than green machine
Shawn o'brien
September 24, 2020 — 11:17 am
Personal opinion… yes
September 26, 2020 — 10:11 pm
December 31, 2020 — 6:13 pm
January 21, 2021 — 10:00 pm
September 22, 2020 — 6:16 pm
I have 25 shooting badges how should i use them.
Shawn o'brien
September 24, 2020 — 11:16 am
I have 28 and this is how I broke it down.
Hof- catch and shoot
Steady shooter
Flexible release
Gold- difficult shots
Corner specialist
Range extender
Slippery of ball which I may change. I left it at silver with one point left incase I want to change it.
Hope this helps, I rarely miss a 3 contested or not.
Shawn o'brien
September 24, 2020 — 11:18 am
also if you remove slippery off ball than that leave extra to HOF other things or add a different badge
Shawn o'brien
September 24, 2020 — 11:23 am
Update: I change difficult shots to HOF and put slippery of ball to silver
January 19, 2021 — 12:54 pm
I have 27 shooting badges i used some by HOF catch and shoot and bronze green machine what should i use the rest on
September 25, 2020 — 12:32 pm
I am a 3 level scorer SG with 22 badges MAXED OUT my guy hardly greens whats the Best way to set my badges plz…i have 4 hall of fame badges..catch n shoot…range extender….volume shooter…steady shooter..n felixinle release on silver
December 31, 2020 — 6:15 pm
Don’t use Steady Shooter, it makes it harder to shoot in general. Go:
– HOF: Range Extender, Catch and Shoot, Corner Specialist, Hot Zone Hunter
– Gold: Deadeye, Green Machine
September 26, 2020 — 3:07 pm
i have 16 shooting badges how should i apply them
September 28, 2020 — 2:52 am
fellas when asking for badge lay outs it would be helpful to know your Build NAME and 3 ball that changes things depending on build. Here is the top badges in order most needed on top
Range Extender – Must
Green Machine – Must
Hot Zone Hunter – Must
Flexible Release ( depends on patch its broken right now, trash on 2k20)
Dead Eye – Must
Volume Shooter
Catch n Shoot ( mix with corner specialist if 75 ish 3 ball)
Difficult Shots ( if you fade or shoot off dribble)
Steady Shooter (only if sharp)
Tireless Shooter (only if Sharp)
Corner Specialist
i know im missing a few but these are the best.
Help me
December 30, 2020 — 10:53 am
My build has 25 shooting badges and a 91 3 ball yet I can never hit shots please help
December 31, 2020 — 6:13 pm
I have a similar build and here’s what I run:
– HOF: Catch and Shoot, Range Extender, Hot Zone Hunter, Green Machine
– Gold: Difficult Shots, Deadeye
– Silver: Hot Start, Tireless Shooter,
– Bronze: Clutch Shooter
September 29, 2020 — 7:52 pm
Boys I’m a two way 3pt shot creator with an 80 3 ball and 16 shooting badges. What do y’all recommend?
December 31, 2020 — 6:16 pm
HOF: Catch and Shoot, Range Extender, Hot Zone Hunter, the rest is up to you
October 1, 2020 — 3:13 am
Hey I’m a playmaking shotcreator and I have 25 badges how should I use them
January 21, 2021 — 7:59 pm
Hof: Catch and shoot, corner specialist, range extender, hot zone hunter
Gold: deadeye, difficult shots,
Silver: volume shooter
Bronze: Tierless shooter
East coast607
October 6, 2020 — 1:07 pm
I’m a big with 27 shooting badges with a 70 3pt what badges shoot I use and I’m 7ft1
October 10, 2020 — 2:37 am
I’m a sharp with 30 shooting badges and a 95 mid-range and 95 three ball. What should I do to make the best of my 30 badges? 16 earned right now what should I go after?
Xpert xd
October 12, 2020 — 5:20 pm
i have 13 shooting badges and have 28 max, i have trouble timing my jump shot what badges should i equip??
October 14, 2020 — 5:46 pm
Imma 2 way woth 16 can someone help spread
October 16, 2020 — 4:10 pm
I’m a shot creator playmaker with 24 badges 6 ft 2 wondering which badges I should put on and a jump shot layout as im struggling in park to hit anything
Brendan Foley
October 18, 2020 — 11:25 am
I have to say these help me a lot green machine is so bad btw
October 20, 2020 — 11:57 pm
Yeah, green machine doesn’t seem to be as good this year
October 22, 2020 — 3:59 am
I can have 13 badge upgrades, currently only have 9, but what badges should I put on? (3pt specialist), Thanks.
November 9, 2020 — 5:27 pm
Seems like not a lot for a 3pt guy?
Can u dribble? If not I think I’d roll with Catch and Shoot GOLD maybe in ur situation. Or FLEXIBLE RELEASE gold and range extender gold maybe. Or go one gold, 3 silvers and add hot zone/dead eye.
King David Eitokpah
November 10, 2020 — 5:54 pm
I am a slashing playmaker with 9 shooting upgrades, what should I put on?
November 16, 2020 — 8:46 pm
I am a 2-way sharpshooter w 16 I’m debating dropping my flexible release that’s on HOF and using the upgrade for deadeye that is empty. Thoughts?
November 16, 2020 — 12:19 pm
i need help im thinking flexible release on gold then dead eye on bronze or the other way around i have 16 shooting someone help plz this is my layout rn but i have four more badges until i max out my shooting badges
green machine gold
range extender gold
hot zone hunter gold
catch and shot gold
Trenten merrill
November 23, 2020 — 7:35 pm
Nobody likes steady shooter. If you match that with deadeye, hot zones, flexible release (and or green machine), range extender, volume shooter, corner specialist, and catch and shoot the extra badges negate the open shot penalty that steady shooter applys and you can now just shoot over people most the time without always having to create as much space. If your a pure sharp then I do hof for most of them and gold for a few and I really enjoy it.
Trenten merrill
November 23, 2020 — 7:41 pm
But I think steady shooter is only good for pure sharps that are a little taller
November 28, 2020 — 5:12 am
i have 26 shooting badges and i am a playmaking shot
Heaven Desir
November 29, 2020 — 9:59 pm
I’m a 6’6” sharpshooter with 22 now. But my max is 30
November 29, 2020 — 11:35 pm
I have 22 shooting badges a max of 30
December 7, 2020 — 2:18 am
I have a play shot with an 89 3pt with 27 badges
December 7, 2020 — 12:56 pm
I have 25 total shooting what should I put on?
December 7, 2020 — 11:26 pm
2 way slashing playmaker with 10 shooting upgrades, what do y’all think?
December 10, 2020 — 11:47 pm
I have a 3pt specialist his 3 ball is at an 80 overall I have 26 shooting badges and still have problems with him shooting what badges should I use
December 18, 2020 — 8:18 pm
i have a stretch playmaker with 16 hof badges… what badges shouldni use?
December 22, 2020 — 1:03 am
Hey, My build is a Perimeter Defender 6’7 PF he get 18 shooting badges with a 75 3PT rating and a 78 Mid range rating
December 27, 2020 — 11:54 pm
I gotta sharp facilitator with a 30 shooting badges
Catch and shoot
Difficult shots
Hotzone hunter
Range extender
Volume shooter
I have 8 more badge upgrades. What badges can I use that I’m missing out on to make me a lights out shooter??
December 31, 2020 — 6:09 pm
Green Machine for sure, Clutch Shooter and Hot Start are good, Tireless Shooter is you’re running around a lot.
December 28, 2020 — 4:26 am
Hi there, my build is a 3 level scorer im 6’8 my 3point shooting is 73 & i have 14 shooting badges
Robert Rainey
December 28, 2020 — 7:33 pm
i’m a 6’5 SG. Scoring Machine build. I have 27 potential upgrades on shooting badges. i have an 88 mid range shot and an 86 three point shot. someone please help me, which badges i should get and how high should they be?
Dale Capers
December 29, 2020 — 8:15 am
I’m a Glass cleaner 3 ball at 73 right now due to my ovr at 98 I have 19 shooting badges what recommendations you all have for my shooting badge layout
December 31, 2020 — 6:11 pm
Catch and Shoot, Range Extender, and Corner Specialist on HOF for sure, Hot Zone Hunter if you have good Hot Zones. Still, that 3pt rating is a bit low, so don’t expect to be a knockdown shooter.
December 29, 2020 — 1:08 pm
Hey I’m a point guard and I have 18 shooting badges my timing and shot selection isn’t amazing what should I do
December 31, 2020 — 6:12 pm
Learn how the shot contest system works to improve your shot selection, timing-wise just go to the MyCourt and practice a lot.
January 3, 2021 — 9:22 am
I’m a SG Scoring machine with 16 scoring badges what should I do any suggestions?
January 4, 2021 — 4:34 pm
i have 17 shooting badges how should i use them
January 14, 2021 — 4:25 pm
Im a playmaking shot creator and I dont know how to spend my 20 shooting and playmaking badges… can anybody help
January 17, 2021 — 3:10 pm
I’m a 6’5 3-Level Scorer SG with a 80 3pt and 88 mid with 19 shooting badges how do I arrange that?
January 17, 2021 — 3:13 pm
I have a 6’5 3-level score with a 88 mid range and 80 three-point with 19 shooting badges how do I arrange it
January 19, 2021 — 7:10 pm
I have a point guard slasher with a 80 three point and have 16 shooting badges how should I use them and become a good shooter for threes and mid range ?
January 20, 2021 — 6:01 pm
I have all the ones you have listed hof. I am curious to see what badges you would recommend for a SG with 28 shooting badges and a sharp takeover.
January 21, 2021 — 10:08 pm
I have 20 shooting badges, here’s how I split em…
Catch & shoot (gold)
Corner specialist (gold)
Deadeye (gold)
Volume shooter (gold)
Range extender (HOF)
Hot zone hunter (HOF)
January 24, 2021 — 3:31 am
So all of these are shooting builds. I have a Slasher I’m 95 overall but at a 75 3 ball. I’m on fire some games and garbage other games im guessing it’s because I have 16 badges only golds no HOF and opponents run HOF intimidator, clamps etc.
I run catch and shoot,
corner specialist,
Hot zone hunter,
range extender on gold
flexible release on bronze.
Let’s say people don’t pass the ball unless I get a clear cut to the basket or fastbreaks. Any suggestions? Lol
February 8, 2021 — 11:39 pm
I have a SF slasher with 82 3pt due to 99 ovr. Hit consistent 3s around 35% with
corner specialist: silver
Range extender: silver
Catch and shoot: silver
Flexible release: gold
January 24, 2021 — 1:27 pm
I have 19 available shooting badges which ones should i get and what tier
January 24, 2021 — 4:10 pm
So here’s a challenge, I have an all defensive guy so I only get one badge, where would you use it?
Eric Baker
January 28, 2021 — 10:11 am
I’m curious about this as well
Eric Baker
January 28, 2021 — 10:16 am
This is what I am curious about to
January 29, 2021 — 11:51 am
Hot Zone Hunter
January 26, 2021 — 8:30 am
17 total shooting badges 2 way sharpshooter what should i use
January 26, 2021 — 8:32 am
17 shooting badges SG 2 way sharpshooter
January 26, 2021 — 8:34 am
17 badges 2 way sharpshooter what should i use
January 26, 2021 — 2:38 pm
my playshot have 21 shooting badges what should i put them on
March 12, 2021 — 8:49 pm
I am a scoring machine with 21 shooting badges. How should I set it up to green constantly?. And what’s a good jumpshot for consistent greens?. Does it change from recc to park to pro am to my career. Because my current jumpshot (kobe). Greens in pro am, my career and park (half the time) but have troubles in recc… seems like it’s faster.. any help?. How do you feel about volume shooter.?
April 11, 2021 — 4:34 pm
I’m on next gen I’m not seeing a range extender would this be deep three’s?
April 12, 2021 — 8:39 pm
Joseph harrison
May 14, 2021 — 3:43 pm
I have 20 shooting badges for a sharpshooter what are the best ones that I can use
May 20, 2021 — 3:47 am
I’m a facilitating finisher SF with 12 shooting badges. My mid range is a 73 and my 3 point is a 64 what should I use??
Chance Brownell
May 24, 2021 — 12:03 pm
I have 25 shooting badges for a sharpshooter what are the best ones that I can use
jappho concon
May 27, 2021 — 11:17 pm
i have 18 badges max already and im a 3 level scorer with 80 rating threes, what should i use? thanks for the answer
Calo’b Campbell
June 22, 2021 — 8:16 pm
I have 26 shooting badges and I’m a 6’11 stretch four
June 25, 2021 — 1:34 am
i have 22 shooting badges playmaking shot creator 6’2 and 91 three how should i use my badges
July 20, 2021 — 3:00 am
Hi, I’m a SG. I have 27 shooting badge. I dont use 3pt shoot. Using Mid Range and Post Fade. So what should I do?
September 18, 2021 — 3:15 am
Im a Playmaking Shot Creator, 6’2 165lbs and 25 Shooting Badges and I have a 91 Three Pointer, what should I use on my badges?
The don
December 30, 2021 — 4:43 pm
I’m a playmaking shot creator and I have 30 shooting badges , which ones should I use
March 15, 2022 — 2:09 am
So i decided to go pure sharp pie chart and I think I should run gold chef and hof limitless opt up
Jonathan Schroeder
May 10, 2022 — 8:56 pm
I have a point guard who is 93 with a 99 three point shot and I have 20 shooting 10 hof badges and gold just for shooting picked the best ones I could find the shooting ability is whack I barley make three points in a game 10 if I’m lucky what am I doing wrong what badges do I need
June 13, 2022 — 9:23 am
i have a scoring machine with a 91 3pt curently have 13 badge points avaiable max of 35 badge points what should o use i like to spot up three and sore of the pick and roll